Monday 19 September 2011

Week 1 independent studies

This is the feed I found on pachube from a student currently doing ARCH 1391. It basically works as a light

sensor, placed within floor of the responsive hallway collecting data according to light.


Strengths: It is able to detect changes of lighting condition in the hallway.

Weaknesses: Only light sensor applied, would have been in greater use if it was combined with other sensors

to work at the same time such as sound sensor.

Opportunities: Emergency use in certain buidings. This sensor can detect if there is fire in the hallway.

Architects can also benefit from this to test light conditions of a building. It can also be used for scientific

purposes, for example some areas might have extra strong sunshine that it could benefit people using hot

water tanks.

Threats: Not much information showing that this sensor is capable of collecting data consistenly.  Might be

replaced by other light sensors with better accuracy and consistency.

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