Monday 19 September 2011

Week 2 tutorial

Recommend to watch in 1080p hd to see thae numbers representing distance.

Week 1 independent studies

This is the feed I found on pachube from a student currently doing ARCH 1391. It basically works as a light

sensor, placed within floor of the responsive hallway collecting data according to light.


Strengths: It is able to detect changes of lighting condition in the hallway.

Weaknesses: Only light sensor applied, would have been in greater use if it was combined with other sensors

to work at the same time such as sound sensor.

Opportunities: Emergency use in certain buidings. This sensor can detect if there is fire in the hallway.

Architects can also benefit from this to test light conditions of a building. It can also be used for scientific

purposes, for example some areas might have extra strong sunshine that it could benefit people using hot

water tanks.

Threats: Not much information showing that this sensor is capable of collecting data consistenly.  Might be

replaced by other light sensors with better accuracy and consistency.

Monday 12 September 2011

Exp2 Week01 tutorial

This video is to show the average speed of an object going through a certain distance, i chose to
place a helicopter in the environment to go directly up. Recommend all viewers to choose 1080p
HD to watch the video so you would be able to see the numbers clearly in the screen. To do
this simply click on the 1080p hd option in the menu bar at the bottom. Threes numbers shows
up in this video, first one is 153 which is the start 'Z' position of the helicopter, the number
186.299545 shows the end point of the 'Z' postion of the helicopter. Most importantly,
3.329955 represents the average speed for this object to go from the start postion to the end.
To make sure that only the 'Z' postion(vertical up) shows up in the screen, i used the vec3
from vec3 and set string nodes. To calculate the average speed, the idea is to use the last
postion minus start position to get the distance and then just dived by time. To do this
the Math sub dan Math div nodes were vital.

Saturday 10 September 2011

Marking Sheets


Pure war sketchup model:

Pure war game mod:

Final installment of pure war


Prokofiev Alexander Nevsky, op.78 (accssed on 8th, September, 2011)

 It's good again from Indra  (accssed on 8th, September, 2011)

Outline of my installment

In this installment I have used lots of elements to make a realist feeling of the state for pure war. In the installation of draft one viewers can see the involvement of lighting, time of day, weather, and use of very little particle effect.  Gradually I put more stuff into the installation two and the final version of this the installation. Another important thing I was trying to achieve is to reflect the air quality during war time (this relates back to the pachtube I chose back in Week1), therefore I put a lot of smoke and fire around the level.  The lights used define different periods of the war. They represent the timeline of the war, the blue light near the dwelling signals war is approaching and the preparation for pure war. The red light after the smoke and fire represents danger and the start of war. I spawned grunts and a huge alien next to the red light, so it is like alien invading this territory, both the grunts and avatar would fight the alien to protect the land and bring peace. At last, peace as a result of war is represented by sunny weather and good air quality, the missile launching up to the sky is a sign of successful protection of territory . The avatar also used missile launcher to fight the alien during war time, this is another way to connect to the missile I made from Sketchup.

Second draft installment of pure war

Draft installment of pure war

Monday 5 September 2011

Sunday 4 September 2011

Friday 2 September 2011

Week3 XML reading basics

The picture above shows my xml flowgraph, initially I had problem displaying the numbers of 15 like shown in the tutorial but then I realised it was due to the miss spelling of temperaturedata.xml in the node of xml open document.

The cuboid of mine in crysis appear to be slightly different from the tutorial, it is not as flashy, I think this is because i coudn't download the file "Mirror" under the tutorial. The file does not exist on gamefront. But essentially this tutorial is about constructing the right flowgraph to make the scales work. So here is my video.

Week3 rain+pickable object vid

I set the mass of the missile to a very large amount so you can see in the video when I tried to chuck the missile away, it didn't go very far.

Week3 Time of day + lighting vid

As you can see in this flowgraph, the light would show up at 7pm in the video below, and during the day from 6am, the light would not be on.

Week 3 Scale vid

The closer you walk to the building, the larger it becomes, the futher you leave, the smaller it gets.